M. F. Delicious - Lead Vocals


Name: Justin Boyle

AKA: "The Big Breakfast," Phineus Nutri-Crust, Phineus Nurti-Crotch, Phineus A-Go-Go, Remington "The Pearl Necklace." 

Spanky Lux - Lead Guitar / Backing Vocals


Name: Matt Schmidt 

AKA: Billy Ruin, Spanky Cumshot, Sir Spanky Cumshot the 3rd, Spank Lux "The Schmuck Killer," Sugar Baby, Big Matty Kane, Lil' Slugger.  

Rikkir "The Rougarou" - Lead Vocals (Rhythm Guitar / Backing Vocals, 1990 - 1991)

Name: Rick Goodreau 

AKA: The Red Guru, Land Pirate "Squirty" McCyber, Milky The Meat City Master, Bollie Dean P. Whilliper, Punk Rock Spicoli.

Forbisquis - Bass / Backing Vocals

Name: Dan Trinklein

AKA: Forbisquis "The Man" Henries, Forbisquis "Boogieman" Melchezzehprick, Forprickquist "The Anal-list," Forbisquis "Baby Arm" Schlongstrong. 

Nosferatu Smith - Rhythm Guitar (1994 - 1997)

Name: Jeff Taylor 

AKA: Nosferatu Shaftavius Chiroptera Smith, "The Goose," Heart Throb of the Mortuary.